2023: The year of mastery.


2 min read

2023: The year of mastery.

Photo by cetteup on Unsplash

My career/technical goal for the year 2023 was to improve my skills in two languages that I have dabbled in but am not too familiar with:

  1. Golang

  2. Typescript/Javascript

I think Golang is becoming more of a requirement for most DevOps roles and while I explored some of it in 2022 I still feel like I have a long way to go.

My main goal/habit to ensure that I accomplish this are two folds:

  1. Build and ship 6 projects that use a combination of both languages

  2. Practice writing code in either language for at least 45 mins everyday.

I believe by building and shipping projects with Typescript/Javascript + Golang that I will be more comfortable using these languages for solving more complex issues.

For the majority of 2023, I have spent time building with Javascript using the Nextjs framework, as of right now I have shipped one simple product (Studywiz) using the Nextjs framework.

For the remainder of 2023 I am shifting my focus to building in Golang and my first project is MoneyMinder: a personal finance and budgeting app. The goal with MoneyMinder is to build a fully functional app that allows you to track your finances across different accounts.

I want to build something that tells me where my money is going and helps me save my money. I want to build something that I would actually use to manage my finances.

I am dedicated the rest of June to building MoneyMinder and I hope to get a simple v1 released.

I will also be keeping a changelog for the project and I hope to keep a note of my learnings in this.